Mar 03, 2010 07:06
Grace is gone.
I'll be moving her things to my place, if you need me. [Added as an afterthought:] I apologize in advance for the noise I might make.
sob sob sob,
brb pulling a subaru,
this swiss cheese heart,
my darkest nightmare,
old lady worrywart,
my sister is a picky notprincess,
fml fml fml fml fml,
trying to drown problems in-,
brb baaaaaaawwwing
Dec 22, 2009 05:27
I'm going down to the Wilder Ballroom in case Grace is there. She's gone somewhere, and she's left a note, but I cant help but worry.
Especially with a lot of people missing and all now...
brb pulling a subaru,
being a good bro- i mean sis,
random ellipses?! in my post?!,
old lady worrywart,
my sister is a picky notprincess,
hurf durf,
leader mode get,
fml fml fml fml fml,
Sep 21, 2009 08:34
Gum, thank you for greeting us.
... I've heard there are others who don't have memories too. I'm Stigmata. It's nice to meet you all, I guess.
Grace? ... I hope you're settling in well, all things considered.
[added in after several seconds:] Does anyone have gloves? Or anything to cover the hands? It would be really appreciated.
things that i cant remember,
bake me an angst muffin,
brb pulling a subaru,
random ellipses?! in my post?!,
aw he's shy,
my sister is a picky notprincess,
this is post is made of derp,
well that was something,